Why Join Our Waitlist?

At Maplewood Mountain Farm, we pride ourselves on offering top quality Miniature Dachshunds according to the breed standard. Due to high demand and our commitment to providing exceptional care, we manage our pet adoptions through a waitlist system. By joining our waitlist, you’ll secure your spot in line to ensure that you are able to get the puppy you want at the time you want.

Terms and Conditions

Our waiting list order is determined on a first-come, first-served basis. The person who applies first will be at the top of the list and will get first pick when a litter becomes available. The second person to apply gets the next pick, and so on. If the type of puppy you want isn’t in the litter that’s available, you will stay at the top of the waiting list for the next litter while the puppies from the current litter are paired with people below you on the list.

The reservation fee to join our paid waiting list is $300.00. When you choose a puppy and sign a contract, this reservation fee is converted and applied towards the deposit for your puppy.

Before your reservation fee is paid, we can give you a conservative waiting time estimate on the puppy you would like, so you have an understanding before you join the list of what the wait time is likely to be. If we do not have a puppy for you within the estimated time frame you were given, and you do not wish to stay on the list any longer, then we will return your $300.00 reservation fee in its entirety.

If for any other reason you no longer wish to be on the waiting list, you will receive a prompt refund of $200.00 (your original reservation fee less a $100.00 admin fee).

To start the process of joining our waiting list, please complete and return this form to us. This enables us to know a bit more about the home our puppies will be going to. By submitting this application, you are NOT being put on the waiting list. Only after approval, and a $300.00 reservation fee is received, will you be added to the waiting list. 

As the breeder, we reserve the right to pick first from each litter.
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