Payment Info

Below is info for sending payments for reservations, deposits, or final payment. Please check in with us before sending in payment.


No fees are required to pay through GoodDog. If you pay with ACH and decline their optional support and services (which are included by default), your fee will be $0.


Payment must be made without the “Purchases” options (zero fees). If you choose “Purchases” when sending payment, your payment will be refunded to you and you will need to send it again. Please note that Venmo does not refund their fee for your payment with “Purchases”, so we will not be able to refund it either. Last 4 digits of phone (if needed) are 0656.


Payment must be made without the “Purchases” options (zero fees). If you choose “Purchases” when sending payment, your payment will be refunded to you and you will need to send it again. Please note that Venmo does not refund their fee for your payment with “Purchases”, so we will not be able to refund it either.


  • Cash can be accepted for final payment at pickup. 
  • Personal checks are not accepted
  • Cashier’s checks/bank checks/money orders are not accepted
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